The ban came after the ASA received a complaint on the campaign, that it was offensive, unsuitable for younger audiences, and inappropriate, as the model appeared young and vulnerable. American Apparel defended the ad, by saying the model was supposed to be perceived as a 23-year old woman, relaxing in her hoody around her apartment, in order to reflect the soft-to-touch material. The ASA agreed that they had not breached any of the advertising codes on nudity, but banned the ad on the basis of the model appearing to be under 16, and progressively showing more and more flesh through the series of photos. They concluded that the ad could create serious offense for some readers.
Although the ad doesn't show much nudity, I can definitely see why it could cause offense, as the girl does appear to be very young and naive, and rather vulnerable to the situation. American Apparel have created a lot of controversy over their sexual campaigns in the past, so this comes as no surprise to me.

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