Pepsi recently developed a new application for the iphone, called the "Amp up before you score" app- designed to provide men with chat up lines for 24 various types of women, while promoting the Amp energy drink. However, the application created a bad reaction from the public, forcing Pepsi to Tweet an apology, and further complaints led to the withdrawal of the app all together.
Overall, I like the idea of this promotion technique- it involves the specific target audience, and uses the medium of current popular technology. It also provides a clear personality to the brand. However I feel that Pepsi took it a bit far by encouraging female stereotypes, and feeding teenage boys a disrespectful outlook on wooing women, with chat up lines such as "I've discovered the source of global warming. You're HOT." I can't help but wonder whether there would have been such an uproar (including threats to boycott all Pepsi products) if there was a similar app for women too.